My new baby boy, Joseph Charles Bova weighed in this month at 5lbs. 14oz. and measured 18" long. A modest sized Rainbow trout.
Sounds from his room are not the shrill sounds of Disney characters or The Wiggles DVD's. Instead sounds and running loops of A.K. Best tying quilled dry fly's and Doug Swisher doing mid-air curve casts across Montana rivers. Yup Child Services has already been notified by concerned relatives and friends. My faint whispers of chapter 3 from Vince Marino's A Modern Dry Fly Code can be heard at night from his newly painted room. His big Christmas gift was a 5'6" 4/5 wt. bamboo rod that I just crafted over the last month and inscribed on it “Little Fish” with his name and birth date. He's got a little Meisselbach Featherlite 280 reel to put on his new fly rod. Unfortunately the only fly fishing vests that fit him are Christmas ornaments. Oh well all I can do now is wait a few years for a new river buddy.
Its a fly fishing Christmas Miracle.
~Clint Joseph Bova